these are some sort of strange pink berries that grow on a small tree near our house in stoneybatter. i've been trying to photograph them for ages now (they don't seem to change at all) but am never quite satisfied with the result - possibly coz they're just that bit out of reach?
the strange horizontal stripes in the background is the brickwork of the house in whose corner yard the tree is growing.
This is so fresh… they look like apples.
I linked your website in a post today..
really nice photo Catriona, Im trying to figure out what the tree is that has so many berries, they do look like the fruit I get on my cherry blossom but they fall of after a while so I am left stumped?
cheers for the comments guys!
after some quick googling this is what i think it might be: ‘sorbus vilmorinii’ which is a rowan aparantly.