sorry - magnolia again! and also apologies for scatty posting.
see, we're kind of half moved, but we won't be moving the computers for another while yet, so things are likely to get a little irregular here over the coming weeks.
but the less i'm doing here, the more i'm (probably) doing in the house, so the closer we're getting to that 'after' photo! (and i have a whole series of 'between' photos aswell).
current house progress report is as follows:
• kitchen fitted
• plastering (including the two holes in the ceiling from when me AND aonghus on two separate occasions both put our foot through it)
• floors sanded & varnished (even after the moment of panic when the floor people rang to say there was no way their sander would get up the stairs. but aonghus managed to sweet talk them into hiring one that would)
• nearly all the electrics (some esb connection-y thing left to do)
• most of the plumbing
to do
(i won't give the extensive list as it would go on for pages)
• paint everything (at the moment we're living with bare plaster walls which can get a little dusty)
• install lots of shelving to house our incredibly large amount of stuff (man, we have so much just stuff)
• finish kitchen (door, window, tile floor & walls, extractor, ... helluva lot left to do here)
• start & finish the hall (haven't touched it yet.)
• start & finish the bathroom (might be a while before we get around to this)
what on earth have we been doing for all this time that our 'to do' list is still so long!?
Wow – this one is great. Just like all your photos. I dont know what you do to get such wonderfull textures on your shots, but i am a big fan..