the last of the holga shots. there were a couple more on the roll but my scanning didn't do them justice. they looked ok in the prints i got back from the print shop - except they were cropped to bits!
and now i'm off to tokyo!
yep. aonghus and myself are going to japan for 2 weeks to visit aonghus' sister cliodhna and hopefully do an enormous amount of eating. i'm pretty sure cliodhna has internet in her flat though, so i'll hopefully be able to update with some photos of tokyo. if my camera will plug into her laptop.
and before i go i also want to mention some other exciting news - i was inducted into the photoblogs.org hall of fame today which is an enormous honour to be in the esteemed company of people like gayla trail and heather champ and a host of other enormousely talented and inspirational photobloggers (and means they must be getting close to the bottom of the barrel?)
far too much excitement for one day ;)
Really atmospheric – great work with the holga.
Found you through photoblogs.org – glad I did 🙂
Congrats on making the hall of fame, If only I could get folk to bookmark me a bit more I may get noticed. Have to say Ihave really enjoyed the series of holga shots gives me something to aim for with my one.
Wonderful softness round the edges, the little person is just perfect!!!!
Well done on making the Hall of Fame. Great achievement.
p.s. to McAWilliams: I’ve taken the hint and bookmarked you at photoblogs.org 😉