i already mentioned that i am slightly infatuated with the japanese maples or acers and was very pleased to see them in such liberal abundance - even in the city centres of tokyo & kyoto.
and i may have taken just a few photos of them. well, when i counted, there were eighty three!
i managed (with difficulty) to whittle that eighty three down to ten of my absolute favourites, five of which i've posted today. the remaining five i'll post tomorrow.
if you're not an acer fan, it might be advisable to take a two day siesta from caitriona.net ;)
ps. i've just noticed that the fifth of the ten acers makes 800 posts. yay! see aren't acers fabulous!?
Oh, they’re lovely, 1 and 4 are my favourites so far.
How do I get to see the other four?
Ok I do love acers and have 2 of them in my garden alone. But i will say this one I am commenting on looks more like your average acer wheras number 3 to my eyes looks more like a true Japanese Maple. I could very well be wrong and since they were shot in Japan I suppose they are in theory Japanese.
Anyhow more importantly congrats on getting to your 800th picture I am only halfway there.
ah, i’ve been using the terms ‘acer’ and ‘japanese maple’ interchangeably – i didn’t know there was a difference between the terms. ta for the heads up 😉
Well in truth the japanese maple is another variant of an Acer so what you have been writing is correct, what I wrote as I did say may be wrong, check out http://www.nccpg.com/Gloucestershire/acer.html which shows over 170 different strains of what they say are japanese acers.
The japanese maple to me is, like I said, more like your 3rd image with the rippled leaves whereas this picture does not have that jagged leaf effect and I would have said that its more of an ordinary acer.
I know when I went to buy my “Japanese Maple” for the edge of my pond it cost me an arm and a leg think it was 70 euro, and around the same time (6 years ago) I bought three Plain ole ordinary acers for 15 euro each. One of them came with me when I moved house and looks very similar to this image.
Jesus how come I find writing on my own blog such an ordeal. Maybe I should change my sute to all things Acer/Maple.
Please let someone knowledgable come here and tell me i’m talking crap.