my birthday present arrived today. anyone not interested in macro photography, should take their leave for the foreseeable future - i'm likely to go on a bit of a macro-fest for the next while.
this shot and the two before it were taken in the house this evening in the horrifically low artificial light and me not really having a clue what i was doing (no time to read instructions. must play with new toy!)
the lens is much bigger and heavier than i was expecting (i obviously didn't read/absorb the specs when buying. hmm. theme developing?) but it reeeally luffffly and it's something i've been wanting for aaages - and i can't wait to take it out in daylight over the weekend. a trip to the botanics might be in order. (yay!)
bad focus! Bad focus!
hold on – not a speed camera image – phew, we can all relax now…