the wedding took place in a wonderful old 'cape dutch' church. it felt a bit like something out of a vermeer painting.
immediately after the wedding the bride and groom went off into a room at the back of the church to have some photos taken and i snapped this sneaky shot.
Wow. I’d be hard pressed to pick a favourite since I started calling by, but I think I’ve just found it.
So beautiful…
Terrific, I know which shot I would want on my mantlepiece.
absolutely wonderful photograph! love it.
i know the resemblance is distant, but first picture i thought about was this:
wow. thanks guys.
@jedrzej – there was definitely a feel of a renaissance interior about the place (though i think it was probably built a lot later)
@jedrzej is right. There is something really special about this picture.
Eat your heart out Velazquez.