i spent a very pleasant time last saturday afternoon with some lovely bloggers/photographers. a shout out to natalie, alexia and (a bit of) redmum who are featured above - and also to darren, john, phil, will, claire, dave, eoghan and eoin, robert... phew, i think that's everyone.
AND i got a deadly pair of red sunglasses at the carboot sale where we met up, so i call that a GOOD day!
oh and also hi to deb who i barely managed a quick hello to before i legged it off home to get ready for (another) hen that evening.
there's more photos from the day at most of the links above and also on flickr here where i'll shortly be adding mine too.
update: i've no time to do any fancy processing or nothin', so i've thrown all the photos as-is (minus the compete stinkers) onto flickr. enjoy!
Nice to briefly meet you Caitriona! I still feel bad I didn’t get a chance to meet your Dad at the blog awards, but now I’m halfway there! 🙂 Loving the photos, hope I’ll be able to make the whole thing next time and pick up some tips from you experts! 🙂
Hi Caitriona
Lovely to meet you on Sat, hope you’re enjoying your new shades!
We had a really good time, looking forward to the next one!
Well I have no idea what the hell I am at, in that photo on the flickr pool. other then that excellent photos. It was great to meet up again hopefully something may be in the pipeline for the bank holiday weekend coming up.