after an epic four months of teething... (i just checked back through old photos and it looks like the bib became a permanent fixture at about three and a half months) ...the red cheeks, the drooling, the manic gnawing, the intermittant crankiness, the teething cough... (betcha never knew about that? an irritating side effect of the buckets of drool) ...a couple of weeks ago we were finally rewarded we a pair of pristine, razor sharp, lower central incisors.
two down, eighteen more to go.
[aged 8 months & 3 days]
Best of Fionn so far!
Paul is right. With that smile and the blonde hair beginning to show he looks such a dote.
Very impressed by his ability to pull off a grown up black and white stlish outfit like that and still look at home with the bright colours surrounding him