#739 | crane lane | | [5]

i had to look up the name of this street on google maps. i was pleased to see it was there, coz it's quite ickle. it runs down the side of the project theater in temple bar.

5 Responses to “crane lane”

  1. Maarten says:

    nice street shot ! Have you tried to convert to b&w ?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Fab photo, as ever.
    Seeing as you’re a woman of impeccable clothing tastes, we should, as you say, discuss outfits.
    I was thinking of going dressed as Joan Crawford in ‘Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?’

  3. caitriona says:

    @Maarten: converting to b&w isn’t something i do much of – though this one would probably be a good one to try it on!
    @sinead: if you go as joan crawford, i’ll go as bette davis – was she the one with the robert-smith-esque makeup? i’ve always had a hankering for the cure-head look 😉
    @donal: i knew there was something familiar about the name – though it could just be the fact that it rhymes. brilliant name for a theatre/venue anyway.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Both Davis and Crawford had scary makeup, but Crawford looked a bit like Amy Winehouse. My hair just won’t do that bouffant thing though. Dammit.